Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Jan 22nd, Goldfish survive the first night of cold, Elaina's driving, she gets a new part and 32207 Keller Williams listings on my website!

I started my day checking on the brand new goldfish in my aquaponics system. Last night got kind of cold and the wind pushed open the shed that they are living in. Everybody seems happy. The current in the system is pretty strong because I am using an oversized pump. This makes them look happy because they are always wagging their tails!
In super scary news: My driver is taking her test next week. It turns out they do give driving permits to little people! She also got the part in Starfish Circus that she wanted. She will be performing on "silks" whatever that means!!!

As I play around with my new website for work, I am learning new tricks. This link shows Keller Williams listings in my zip code 32207 Listings! and it's on my website!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I had both kids home for school yesterday because of MLK celebration. My lovely wife went to work. My oldest is a fitness addict, so I had to drop her off at the gym in the morning. While I waited for her, I purchased some seeds, carrots, cabbages, lettuce and some other stuff. I put a few of each seed in some wet paper towel in a germinating box that got plenty of light and tried to forget about it. Well this aquaponic system has become an obsession. I know we are going to get another arctic blast that will mean freezing temps for Jax, but I had to get some fish for my system, so during Elaina's second workout of the day, I purchased 5 goldfish for 38 cent a piece. (a 6th one was thrown in for the patience I showed at purchase but that's another story). I let the fish go, put in a few shrimp peels and tried to forget about it.

So today, as I prepared to work on my website for work (My Website) and a meeting later in the day with my coach, my youngest daughter called to announce that she was too sick to stay at school. So after a couple emails I changed my schedule for the day and dedicated my day to getting Lorna better! We came home, made some slushies with juice and she went for a long nap.

I decided to check on the fish again before running out to a blood appointment that I made back in October. To my surprise, the fish seem to love their new spot. I was a little worried about putting them in the reservoir without a bubbler, but I think that the overflow from the grow bed is sucking enough air for them, and the extra velocity from using a pump that is more power than the system needs gives them a nice current to swim in. Happy fish hurray!

I was happily surprised to see that my blood pressure had dropped back into an acceptable range. I will give a daily dose of celery some of the credit for that Red Yeast Rice some credit as well. My Dr. recommended I start taking it back in October. Well I can't grow that in my current set up, but I can grow plenty of celery!

Speaking of growing, since Lorna is bored around the house, we decided to check on the seeds we set to germinate yesterday (not expecting much).
We were presently surprised to find both types of cabbage to be spouting pretty healthly. All other seeds are showing some progress, with the carrots being the slowest. The sprouted seeds are way more that what I have room for in my pilot system and probably more than my raised beds can handle. Looks like I will have a fun problem over the next few weeks. Worst case, I will have plenty of small plants to give to friends this spring! 
My Blogger surprise was that my traffic tracking shows that I had 3 times as many visitors on here as the 40 something friends that liked my Facebook post about my first blog. Maybe I am on to something! 
And last surprise for now. As I write this, much of Jacksonville is getting a hail storm as this cold weather moves in. 
Stay tuned! 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Sustainable Steve: Aquaponics, raised beds, big dogs, fun kids, real estate: 2014 brings new stuff for me! A new job and a new ...

Sustainable Steve: Aquaponics, raised beds, big dogs, fun kids, real estate: 2014 brings new stuff for me! A new job and a new ...: At the end of 2013, I decided to get my real estate license. I am now working for Keller Williams Jacksonville Realty. Although I have passe...

2014 brings new stuff for me! A new job and a new hobby.

At the end of 2013, I decided to get my real estate license. I am now working for Keller Williams Jacksonville Realty. Although I have passed the test, I still have a lot to learn about the actual process. Fortunately for me, I am versed in sales and know Jacksonville fairly well since I have lived here my whole life. My real estate website
In addition to my new job, I have become infatuated with my new hobby; Aquaponics. I first saw a system last year at One Spark (A crowd funding festival in Jacksonville, FL). All year, I have thought about that system. But mainly I thought about other projects that I would like to present at One Spark like a desalination system that could provide water from the Atlantic Ocean to Jacksonville or tidal turbines that could go in the St. John's River and provide power to Jacksonville.
With all these grand ideas, I only have so much time, a family to raise, dogs to walk and health to maintain so I keep them in my head with hopes of presenting them soon. In the mean time, aquaponics seems to be an easy project to start up a little cost.
My first system is very small and put together completely with handmedowns from my cousin's old hydroponics system. video of my small system. My plan is to go from this 10 gallon system to a 30 gallon system in about a month. I want to see how this works out first before I jump to the next size. My goal is to eventually raise tilapia instead of gold fish. In an ideal world, I would also like to raise trout, fresh water catfish and other species. But one step at a time.
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